
Please connect with us on our Stewardship and Development Facebook page for regular posts related to grants, stewardship resources, and useful ideas for your congregation. You can also make a gift to the Diocese of Virginia at any time.
  • 2023 Diocesan Grants Funded

This year 12 Bishop’s Appeal Grants and 12 Peter James Lee Small Church Revitalization Grants were awarded to churches in the Diocese of Virginia to assist with vital ministries or revitalize physical space to better provide for the communities they serve.

Bishop’s Appeal grantees:

Christ Church, Winchester – Provide food for students in need

Emmanuel, Harrisonburg – Babies to Boomers program

Good Shepherd, Bluemont – Tile floor replacement

Holy Comforter, Richmond – Expand Hispanic service

St. Christopher’s, Springfield – River Crossing Cafe

St. Gabriel’s, Leesburg – STEAM programming for Educando con Amor community

St. George’s, Fredericksburg – Pilot small group in an Episcopal context to engage community

St. Peter’s, New Kent – Diaper assistance program

St. Peter’s, Richmond – Technology for livestream

The Falls Church, Falls Church – Technology upgrade for Historic Church

Trinity, Charlottesville – Upgrades to commissary kitchen to benefit Bread and Roses programming

Trinity, Upperville – Zoom Room for virtual meetings

Peter James Lee Small Church Revitalization grantees:

Abingdon, White Marsh – Relocate and enhance playground area

Creator, Mechanicsville – Remove and install new boiler

Emmanuel, Brook Hill – Erosion control and parking expansion

Emmanuel, Woodstock – Community outreach needs

Grace, Berryville – Improvement of livestream capabilities

Holy Cross, Dunn Loring – Replace underperforming HVAC and install LED lighting

Our Saviour, Montpelier – Restoring sanctuary and enhancing liturgical space

Piedmont Parish – Completing restoration of Parish House

St. John’s, Centreville – Phase 3 of roof replacement

St. Mary’s, Fleeton – repair and painting of church roof

St. Peter’s, Port Royal – painting Parish House

St. Philip’s, Richmond – Revitalize 2nd Floor of church building

Diocesan Funded Grants

Bishop’s Appeal Grants

Letter of Inquiry due February 9

Application due March 8

The general purpose of Bishop’s Appeal grants is to strengthen, encourage, and uplift ministries of congregations through program expansion, leadership development, facility improvement/ expansion, or technology enhancement.

Grants can be used to support special projects, develop new programs, or expand existing ones

The Bishop Peter J. Lee Endowment for Small Church Revitalization 

Letter of Inquiry due February 9

Application due March 8

The Peter J. Lee Small Church Revitalization Fund is an endowment founded in 2001 and to be eligible, a church must have an average Sunday attendance of less than 200 persons. Grants will be awarded to assist small churches in their revitalization, preservation, expansion and, where appropriate, merger and closing. Congregations are encouraged to consider projects that are both programmatic and physical in nature.

The intent of these grants is to motivate small churches to gather internal resources to meet their ministry needs. Small Church Revitalization grants are made on a one-to-one matching basis only.

The Episcopal Church Funded Grants

The Episcopal Church offers the following grants to further the mission of the Church. Each process is unique and some only allow one endorsement per diocese. Our process in the Diocese of Virginia is hands-on to ensure the best possible success. Please be in touch with the diocesan office at least 4 weeks before the application deadline. No proposals will be accepted within 10 workdays of the application deadline.

United Thank Offering Grants

The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for those blessings and make an offering for each blessing using a UTO Blue Box. UTO is entrusted to receive the offerings, and to distribute 100% of what is collected to support innovative mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion.

If you are interested in applying, please contact the diocesan office to make arrangements for your Episcopal endorsement. 

Becoming Beloved Community 

Becoming Beloved Community grants catalyze the church’s work of racial healing, reconciliation, and justice.  

Creation Care Grants 

The Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism seeks to support and expand The Episcopal Church’s loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with God, with each other and with Creation. Proposals must have an impact beyond the applicant organization and include at least one partner in accomplishing the project. 

Roanridge Trust Grants 

Interest generated from the Roanridge Trust is specifically used for the training of town, country, and rural clergy of the Episcopal Church. Deadline is in December of each year.

Young Adult and Campus Ministry Grants 

These grants assist with young adult and campus ministries through the Episcopal Church and include a three-step process of discernment and planning, writing the application, and online submission.  There are four categories of grants each with different levels of funding.