Creation Care
“And God saw everything He had made, and behold, it was very good.” ~ Genesis 1:31
In Jesus, God so loved the whole world. We follow Jesus, so we love the world God loves. Concerned for the global climate emergency, drawing on diverse approaches for our diverse contexts, the Creation Care Committee commits to form and restore loving, liberating, life-giving relationships with all of Creation. The Committee focuses its work on four key areas of ministry: energy conservation, habitat restoration, policy and advocacy, and spiritual resilience.
In 2021, Annual Convention passed a resolution entitled Declaration of Climate Emergency, Commitment to Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2045, and adoption of Episcopal Covenant for the Care of Creation.
Questions? Email Kristine Montamat, Creation Care Committee Chair.
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Ministry Areas
Habitat Restoration
Critical declines in biodiversity threaten the web of life that exists on Earth. Habitat restoration is the science-based practice of using native and Indigenous plants to support other-than-human life in target environments. The Creation Care Committee seeks to empower churches to create vibrant, life-sustaining ecosystems in their surroundings through education and support.
Biodiversity losses are heavily caused by destruction of habitat (shelter, food, and water) through building, conventional land use practices, and chemical pollution. Through science, researchers are learning more about the incredible intricacy and complexity of the web of life, of which humans are a part. This web of life is currently under threat due to the destruction of natural habitats, however, there are many visually beautiful and socially and spiritually rewarding ways to support and protect this precious gift from God.
The Creation Care Committee holds monthly online habitat restoration meetings to offer information and support. They also organize other special events, such as the Environmental Ministry Conferences in 2024. Join in this work by emailing the Creation Care Committee.
Policy and Advocacy
The Creation Care Committee works to identify important policy and legislative issues related to caring for God’s creation at the state and federal levels. They also research what other environmental and faith-based organizations are doing to influence legislation for the protection of the environment, watching for things that may impact creation care work in the Diocese of Virginia.
To sign up for monthly updates including a summary of important actions and opportunities to get involved (such as signing petitions, taking direct action, and supporting current initiatives), email the Creation Care Committee.
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Spiritual Resilience
Resilience is about bounding forward, not just bouncing back.
The church is called to celebrate and honor God’s beloved gift of creation, of which humans are a part, while recognizing the damage that has been done and being present in this loss. The Creation Care Committee offers supportive community, worship, and prayer as pathways for both celebrating God’s creation and as vehicles for lament, healing, and hope.
The Creation Care Committee aims to offer a place where individuals can learn about and celebrate the divine miracle of life and discern God’s call in this context. It provides a space for openly expressing concerns about the future within a supportive community while acknowledging God’s unending love and offering avenues through which emotions can be channeled into action,
During Lent and the autumnal Season of Creation, the Creation Care Committee offers online book studies focused on spiritual resilience. It also hosts webinars with prominent spiritual leaders, as well as monthly online gatherings. Join in this work by emailing the Creation Care Committee.
Creation Care Resources
Bangor Theological Seminary Center seeks to catalyze spiritual imagination, with enduring wisdom, for transformative faith leadership by offering theologically grounded programs of continuing education and spiritual formation, including workshops and retreats, learning cohorts, public conversations, and projects of applied research.
The Church of England offers a booklet of Creation Care Prayers in various formats.
World In Prayer provides a weekly summary of international news with an accompanying prayer, inviting people to deepen their prayers for the needs of the world.