Young Adult and Campus Ministries

The Office of Discipleship celebrates and supports the various young adult ministries happening across the Diocese of Virginia. Churches around the Diocese host gatherings for people in their 20s and 30s, providing a space for young adults to come together for fellowship, theological discussions, Bible study, and other fun events. Connect with your local congregation to participate in or start a young adult ministry.

Campus Ministries

Lots of students find it can be hard to keep connected to church while they’re away at college. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In the Diocese of Virginia alone, there are campus ministries at five colleges and universities. They are thriving communities of students who enjoy fun times, meals, and worship together.

University of Virginia: Contact the Rev. Dr. Peter Kang at the University Fellowship (TUF) at St. Paul’s Memorial, Charlottesville.

Virginia Commonwealth University: Campus Ministry at Pace Center, Richmond, contact the Rev. Russ Kerr.

James Madison University: Canterbury Episcopal Campus Ministry, contact the Rev. Laura Lockey.

University of Mary WashingtonThe House FXBG, contact the Rev. Ethan Lowery.

George Mason UniversityArise Campus Ministry, contact the Rev. Drew Ensz.

Episcopal Service Corps

The Episcopal Service Corps (ESC) is a network of local programs offering fellowship and leadership development opportunities that match young leaders age 21-32 with mission-based non-profit organizations, schools, and churches. A year of service through ESC is an opportunity to gain hands on experience by serving in a non-profit organization, create life-long relationships by living in intentional community, and grow by exploring ancient and modern spiritual practices. Corps members serve full-time in their own site placement and commit to ongoing leadership training and spiritual practice and reflection with the other fellows in the program.

Young Adult Service Corps

The Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) is a ministry for young adults who are interested in exploring their faith in new ways by living and serving in communities around the Anglican Communion. YASC is specifically designed for Episcopalians ages 21-30, bringing them into the daily life and work of a local community. YASC volunteers have managed websites, provided administrative support, participated in medical programs, and contributed significantly to the mission and ministry of Anglican partners around the world.