Alcohol Policy

The Diocese of Virginia seeks to live out the Baptismal Covenant in its life and its policies. This means that we seek to follow Jesus Christ in our manner of life, and respect the dignity of every person.

This policy therefore is a call to the whole Church to use alcohol in appropriate and thoughtful ways, so that people are not put in a position that compromises their membership in the Body of Christ or their own integrity, or that threatens the life of another with their actions. The alcohol policy was updated at the 225th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Virginia when R-2: Adoption of Amended Diocesan Alcohol Use Policy was passed in November 2019.

Diocesan Alcohol Use Policy

The Diocese of Virginia seeks to live out the Baptismal Covenant in its life and its policies. This means that we seek to follow Jesus Christ in our manner of life, and respect the dignity of every person. This policy therefore is a call to the whole Church to use alcohol in appropriate and thoughtful ways, so that people are not put in a position that compromises their membership in the Body of Christ or their own integrity, or that threatens the life of another with their actions.

The Diocese of Virginia’s alcohol policy conforms to Virginia state law which says:

  • If alcohol will be sold, the parish must first obtain a license from the Commonwealth of Virginia to do so.
  • Every effort must be made to ensure that someone who has had too much to drink does not drive.

In addition to state law, the Diocese of Virginia affirms that:

  • Alcohol should be consumed in moderation;
  • There must be an equally attractive and equally accessible non-alcoholic option and the alcoholic option should be clearly labeled as such, especially if the parish is serving drinks such as alcoholic punch;
  • No church business or open discussion of issues is to be conducted during or after the serving of alcohol. Business includes the work of vestry, search committee, all church committees and councils, and church schools.
  • Individuals under the legal drinking age of Virginia may not consume alcohol outside of the Eucharist.
  • Parishes in the Diocese of Virginia should adhere to these policies. In addition, parishes are welcome to adopt their own more detailed policies concerning alcohol use on its properties and at parish events.
  • The leadership of each parish, directed by the cleric-in-charge and vestry, should educate and inform its parishioners about alcoholism and substance abuse.
  • There will be no consumption of alcohol by adults when leading events which involve youth, e.g. Youth Group, Boy Scout outings, camps, etc.

In addition, the Diocese of Virginia affirms that:

  • Food must be served when alcohol is present.
  • Clergy shall consecrate an appropriate amount of wine when celebrating the Eucharist and perform ablutions in a way that does not foster or model misuse.
  • We encourage clergy to acknowledge the efficacy of receiving the sacrament in one kind and consider providing non-alcoholic wine.