
Stay connected to our Stewardship and Development Facebook page for our regular #FridayGraphic posts, stewardship resources, and ideas you can use for your congregation.

One of our favorite resources for stewardship conversations is this document of prayers and where to find them. Share yours with us, too! Below is one of our most frequently use.

It is our hope that the true business of our meeting and works will be out spiritual transformation and the transformation of others through us, and not simply the accomplishments of tasks and projects. We ask this of you as we now begin in the name of God, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. 

From Prayers for Parish Groups

We’ve taken the #FridayGraphics and Stewardship Prayers from our Facebook page and recently began posting these graphics to Pinterest. 

We hope you’ll continue to enjoy these prayers, quotes, and thoughts about giving, gratitude, and generosity and use them on your personal social media, parish newsletters, or congregation’s social media channels.