Location Information
Fredericksburg Convention Center
2371 Carl D. Silver Pkwy
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Convention Agenda
Deadlines and Key Dates
September 30
Related Organizations Nomination Deadline.
October 10-11
Hotel Reservation Deadlines. Deadlines vary by hotel.
October 21
Submission deadline for Resolutions, Amendments to the Constitution and Canons, and Annual Reports.
October 25
Ministry Fair and Exhibitor Deadline.
October 25
Registration Closes.
October 26
Open Hearings for Budget, Amendments to the Constitution & Canons, and Resolutions on Zoom.
November 1
Elected Positions Nomination Deadline.
November 7-9
230th Annual Convention begins Thursday at 5:30p.
Communications to Delegates
New this year! Bishop Stevenson’s Pastoral Address to be Delivered Thursday at Evensong: Read More
October 4 | Pastoral Address Thursday night, hotel deadlines approach, and more
September 8 | 230th Annual Convention Introductory Email
Contact Us
Bill Martin
Assistant to the Secretary
Rules of Order
Participating at Convention
Voting: All delegates must bring a device (phone, tablet, laptop) where they can access email to vote. Ballots will be sent to the email address provided at registration.
Voting Instructions
(Spanish Version)
Speaking During Debate: Understanding how and when to voice your opinions during debate can be confusing. Watch this video to learn the ins and outs of this system.
Spanish Interpretation and Translated Materials: Once again, interpreters will be on-site at the Fredericksburg Convention Center to offer Spanish interpretation for delegates. Key documents have been translated and can be found linked throughout the convention webpage. You can also click the “Español” button in the bottom right corner of this screen to translate the webpage in full.
ASL Interpretation and CART Captioning: An ASL Interpreter will be on-site during Thursday’s service of Evensong at St. George’s, Fredericksburg. On Friday and Saturday, CART captioning will be available on screen and on personal devices through a direct link to the transcribed proceedings.
Respiratory Guidance Guidelines: As the threat from COVID-19 becomes more similar to that of other common respiratory viruses, the CDC is issuing Respiratory Virus Guidance, rather than additional virus-specific guidance.
Key Documents
Delegate and Church Forms
Open Hearings
Open Hearings took place on Saturday, October 26.
C-1: Amendments to the Constitution
Resolution with Attachment
First Reading
Spanish Version
C-2: Amendments to the Canons
Resolution with Attachment
First Reading
Spanish Version
C-3: Amendment to Canon 7.1
Spanish Version
C-4: Amendment to Canon 4
Resolution with Attachment
First Reading
Spanish Version
Elected Positions
Elected Positions Nomination Form
Due November 1
Related Organizations
Related Organizations Nomination Form
Due September 30
Draft 2025 Diocesan Budget
(As of 11/1)
Draft 2025 Diocesan Budget Narrative
(As of 11/1)
Supplemental materials coming soon.
Annual Reports
Affinity Groups
BIPOC Gathering
Thursday, November 7, 3:30 p.m.
Sydnor Hall, St. George’s, Fredericksburg
All BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) clergy and lay delegates to Convention are invited to attend this gathering. A shuttle bus will be available to take delegates from the Fredericksburg Convention Center to St. George’s at 3 p.m. Convention Evensong at St. George’s will follow this gathering. Questions? Contact Canon Lee Hill.
LGBTQIA+ Clergy Gathering
Friday, November 8, 6:30 p.m.
Exhibit Hall B, Fredericksburg Convention Center
This first-of-its-kind gathering will be a safe space for priests and deacons in the Diocese of Virginia who identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community to gather, meet each other, and grow in collegiality and support. Questions? Contact the Rev. Charles Dupree or the Rev. Burl Salmon.
On Friday, November 8, members of Convention will be able to choose workshops to attend at 2:00 and 3:00p.
Schedule for Workshops
(Spanish Version of Workshop Schedule)
Ministry Fair
All Committees, Commissions, and Related Organizations of the Diocese of Virginia are invited to register for a table and share the work of their ministry at the Ministry Fair.
The deadline to register for the Ministry Fair is October 25.
All Non-Profit and Commercial Exhibitors must purchase a table to participate and may do so by either credit card or check.
Exhibitor Registration (Credit)
Exhibitor Registration (Check)
The deadline to register as an Exhibitor is October 25.