News Releases

John Keith Appointed Vice Chancellor

The Rt. Rev’d E. Mark Stevenson has appointed John Keith as Vice Chancellor of the Diocese of Virginia. John will serve at the direction of diocesan Chancellor JP Causey, assisting him in the performance of the Chancellor’s duties.

An Update on Global Mission

Join the conversation on rebuilding/developing partnerships across the Anglican Communion by emailing Diane Wright, diocesan global mission advocate.  The catechism of the Episcopal Church teaches that the mission of the church is to restore all people to unity...

A Statement on the Shooting in Pennsylvania

My dear siblings in Christ: Tonight, I ask you to join me in prayer. I pray for former President Donald Trump, that he may recover fully from the senseless violence of today. I pray for those who died, and for those who mourn. I give thanks for the first responders...

The Complicated History of The Diocesan Office Building

My dear siblings in Christ in the Diocese of Virginia – I am standing outside the building that houses the offices of our diocesan staff. It is a grand structure that dates to the 19th century and is built on the ancestral and territorial homeland of various and...