Safe Church Training

(Revised Praesidium Safe Church Training: In accordance with the 2023 General Convention Resolution A064: Promote the Adoption and Use of Revised Praesidium Safe Church Training)

A Message From The Right Reverend E. Mark Stevenson:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Jesus said, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” John 13:34.

At our baptism, we made vows to seek and serve Christ in all person, and to respect the dignity of every human being. As we follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we strive to love others as Jesus himself does. Because of the depth of our commitment to living the way of love, we in the Diocese of Virginia require that all clergy, lay leaders, staff, and volunteers be trained in the awareness and prevention of sexual misconduct against children, youth, and adults. We also require that those who have already been trained renew and refresh their training at least every three years. There are two separate training programs, one focusing on children and youth, and one on adults, including elders. 

May this training be a blessing to you as you continue in ministry to and with children, youth, and adults in this diocese and beyond.

Faithfully yours,

The Rt. Rev’d E. Mark Stevenson

Bishop of Virginia

Please follow the misconduct prevention training information listed below:

Take online misconduct prevention courses (free of charge).

    • The guide in the link above contains instructions on how new users should register and which courses are required for each ministry.
    • As of July 2021, each parish/organization has a new site-specific registration code for new users.

Beginning August 1, 2022

Recertification will be required every 3 years. 

Social Media Guidelines

    Reporting & Response

    Training Certificates

    If you took the training online, you can print the certificate via the online portal. You should keep a copy for yourself and give a copy to your church to be kept on file.  

    Contact Information Regarding Misconduct Prevention Training and Background Checks: Gloria Parham | Administrative Assistant to the Canon to the Ordinary | 804-622-3189