Establishing Tax-Exempt Status

To: Clergy, Treasurers, and Wardens in the Diocese of Virginia

From: Ted Smith, Treasurer

Re: Establishing Tax-Exempt Status

From time to time you may be asked by a financial institution, vendor, or donor to provide evidence of tax-exempt status. You can establish that you are tax-exempt under the group exemption held by The Episcopal Church with an association letter issued by the Treasurer’s Office of The Episcopal Church. June Victor is the person in that office who can prepare this letter for your parish or organization. When writing to request this letter you will need to provide her with an address and Tax ID number for the parish or organization. She will verify these against a spreadsheet of entities that the Diocese has provided her. The information is taken from parochial reports, so it should match what you have. If it does not match, let me know and I will work with you and June to make sure it is correct in the master list.

June’s contact information is as follows:

June A. Victor | Assistant to the Treasurer | Finance | The Episcopal Church
815 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017 | Tel 212-716-6077 | Fax 212-867-0395



E. A. (Ted) Smith IV
Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
110 W. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23220
800-DIOCESE, ext. 1046