An Update and Invitation from the Standing Committee

by | Aug 24, 2024 | News Releases

Dear Diocesan Family,

It has been some time since we communicated with you outside of reporting at Annual Convention. With that important event approaching, we thought it wise to give you an update on our work. Perhaps it may inspire some of you to discern whether you might offer your talents to the work of the Standing Committee.

Article IV of the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church requires that “In every Diocese, a Standing Committee shall be elected by the Convention.” The Standing Committee functions as the “Bishop’s Council of Advice,” and in the absence of a Bishop is the ecclesiastical authority in the diocese. In the Diocese of Virginia, the Standing Committee comprises six members from the clergy order and six members from the lay order. Two members of each order are elected at Annual Convention for a term of three years.

So, what does the Standing Committee do other than sit (poor pun intended) and provide advice? A bishop’s election cannot be confirmed without the consent of the majority of the Standing Committees in The Episcopal Church, nor can a deacon or priest be ordained without the consent of the Standing Committee. In matters of property, the consent of the Standing Committee is required before any church property can be bought or sold. Generally, the Standing Committee gathers for a full day at St. George’s in Fredericksburg on the first Thursday of every month. Several hours of preparation are typically required prior to each meeting.

In addition to offering counsel to Bishop Stevenson, we interview all candidates for ordination. We review their materials thoroughly, and we engage in deep conversations about their call to serve Jesus Christ – and what it means to them and to the people whom they will serve. It is very important work. Other duties we have performed to date in 2023 and 2024 include: 15 bishop election consents; 16 candidate interviews for ordination to the priesthood or the diaconate; 41 consents for ordination to the priesthood or deaconate; 11 consents for property transactions or encumbrance; 11 various required consents/notifications; and several miscellaneous items.

According to business consultant Lisa Martin, “Good Busy is a lovely state of being. You start your day optimistic and energized to tackle what you set out the day before. You end the day feeling rewarded and proud about what you accomplished, (and) the people you spent time with.” That is an apt description for our work.

As the Rev. Christine Mendoza, Rector of Church of the Good Shepherd, Burke, notes, “In nearly three years on the Standing Committee, we have wrestled with serious issues – and with each other – at times. We have all grown spiritually and we have become close personally. Most importantly, we bring diverse skills and perspectives to this ministry. And each of us knows that the ONLY agenda we will bring into the room is serving the diocesan family that elected us. It has been a real privilege.”

Chrissie Crosby, a first-year member from Grace Church, Alexandria, adds, “The educational aspect of serving on the Committee is fascinating and extensive. My favorite part is learning about how God is working in this faith community made up of more than 68,000 baptized members in 173 congregations. Or maybe it’s that Bishop Stevenson really does rely on our wisdom and advice as we seek to Love Jesus, Embody Justice, and be Disciples. Come, join us!”

If you are interested, please submit an Elected Positions Nomination Form before November 1, 2024. Members of Convention will vote to elect two clergy and two lay people to serve on the Standing Committee at Annual Convention November 7-9, 2024. Questions regarding the application process can be directed to Bill Martin, Assistant to the Secretary.


Your Standing Committee