Would you like your church to be strong, resilient, and adaptive? Lay leaders and clergy, consider enrolling in the College for Congregational Development. Teams of lay and clergy together learn sustainable ways to be healthy and faithful in fulfilling their calling to be the Body of Christ in a particular place and time and among a particular people.
The College for Congregational Development is a two-year program, for one week in the summer for two summers (unless you enroll in the six-month, one-Saturday-per-month version). You can take either Year A or Year B first. It makes no difference. The cost is usually about $900 per person for program, room, and board. Cost varies slightly depending on the location, usually an Episcopal retreat center in a beautiful location. Your travel expenses are a separate cost. If you need financial assistance, please contact Shirley Smith Graham, as limited assistance is available. The priority will be on churches that send a team of lay and clergy. Please call the Rev. Shirley Smith Graham if you have questions about whether this is a good opportunity for you.
The following colleges have room available for people from our diocese:
Rochester NY College for Congregational Development 2025 Rochester Year B (July 26 – August 1): Directors Virginia Tyler Smith and Kristin Krantz.
Indianapolis Indiana College for Congregational Development. Indianapolis Year A July 19 – 25. Director Liz Tichenor
Maryland College for Congregational Development Year A June 15 – 20 OR the Saturday program, which occurs one Saturday per month October, November, January, February, March, April. Director Kristin Krantz. (Books up fast)
Chicago College for Congregational Development Year A July 20 – 25. Director Andrea Mysen.