
The Mid-Atlantic Parish Training Program prepares future priests of the Diocese of Virginia for daily ministry. The program immerses interns in a congregation, provides learning opportunities through mentoring and a colloquy group, and facilitates interns’ reflection on the experience through the lens of ordination liturgy.

  • Who: All postulants/candidates for the priesthood in the Diocese of Virginia are expected to participate in Mid-Atlantic.
  • When: For M.Div. students, Mid-Atlantic is usually the summer between middler and senior year. For Anglican Studies students, Mid-Atlantic is usually the summer before they begin their Anglican year.
  • Time Commitment & Honorarium: Interns serve 40 hours per week for eight weeks. They receive a $3000 honorarium: $1500 paid by the Bishop’s office, $1500 paid by the parish (the bishop’s office pays their portion directly to the parish, which in turn pays the intern). There is some need-based flexibility to the timing of the internship and the parish’s contribution to the honorarium.
  • Colloquy: During their Mid-Atlantic summer, interns attend four facilitated colloquy sessions. Sessions are typically 2-3 hours and held in a central location.

View the Mid-Atlantic Guidebook

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Questions? Contact Sarah Kye Price interim Vocational Development Minister (sprice@episcopalvirginia.org) or the Rev. Andrew Moore, Mid-Atlantic Director (amoore@stjohnsmclean.org).