Stories from the Diocese

Trail Links to Bible and Native American History

St. Peter's Episcopal Church recently opened a "Trees of the Bible" walking trail. St. Peter’s Rector, The Very Rev. Rodney E. Gordon said the trail allows walkers to explore the natural beauty of the area while learning about the significance of its trees in both the Bible and American history.

Church of the Resurrection Turned 60 on Palm Sunday

The most special blessings of the day were the opportunities for all three congregations to meet both the church’s newest members and its second Rector, as well as to greet the “ambassadors” from The Spire who joined Resurrection in worship.

The altar party and choir for Resurrection’s 60th anniversary on Palm Sunday.

Lamenting Gun Violence

Four Episcopal churches and one Presbyterian church participated in the October workshops. Those who attended the subsequent lament service found the experience cathartic.

Candles Lamenting Gun Violence

Bienvenidos Vecinos / Welcome Neighbors

While Latino congregations of the Diocese have been thriving for decades in Northern Virginia, the new ministry at Holy Comforter is something of a first for our Richmond area churches.

Is God on Tiktok?

Father Gordon, rector of St. Peter’s in Oak Grove, was inspired to venture into this unfamiliar territory when he attended a workshop on digital ministry for evangelism at The Episcopal Church’s It’s All about Love Festival in Baltimore this summer.