Executive Board

The Executive Board is the governing body of the Diocese of Virginia in between sessions of Annual Convention and is responsible for oversight of the budget and program of the Diocese. Much of the program of the Diocese is done by the work of committed volunteers formed in committees and commissions.

The Executive Board is composed as follows: The Bishop, the Bishop Coadjutor if there is one, and the Suffragan Bishops if there are any, as well as 16 members selected by the 16 regions of the Diocese to terms of three years. By custom, the Episcopal Church Women are represented by the ECW President, who has seat and voice but no vote on the Board. The Bishop is the President of the Board, and a lay vice president is elected annually.

In addition, at the 226th Annual Convention, an amendment was made to Canon 7.1 of the Constitution and Canons. It reads as follows:

“To provide for wider diversity and equity that may not always be represented, the Bishop may appoint, with the advice and consent of the Standing Committee, no more than three at-large members (whether lay or clerical) for a one-year term, with the option of reappointment for each at-large member for no more than two additional one-year terms. The appointed at-large members shall be clergy who are on the Official List of the Clergy of the Diocese (Canon1) or lay persons eligible for election to the Vestry of a Church in the Diocese and may not be the Dean or President of a Region or a member of the Standing Committee.”

Contact the Executive Board by emailing executiveboard@episcopalvirginia.org.

The 2025 Executive Board

The Rt. Rev’d E. Mark Stevenson
Bishop Diocesan
Executive Board President

Elected Members

Ms. Kat Turner
Church of the Resurrection, Alexandria
Alexandria Region

Ms. Linda Kelleher
St. Michael’s, Arlington
Arlington Region

The Rev. Benjamin Badgett
St. Mark’s, Richmond
Central Richmond Region

Mrs. Cynthia Arnold
St. Thomas, Orange
Charlottesville Region

The Rev. Vinnie Lainson
Christ Church, Brandy Station
Culpeper Region

Ms. Catherine Perrin
ECW President

Mr. Harry Dickinson
Trinity, Fredericksburg
Fredericksburg Region

Ms. Deb Gandy
St. Mary’s, Arlington
Member at Large

Ms. Joni Langevoort
Holy Comforter, Vienna
North Fairfax Region

Ms. Mary (Boo) Elmore
Immanuel, Old Church, Mechanicsville
North Richmond Region

The Rev. William Stafford-Whitaker
Wicomico Church, Wicomico
Northern Neck Region

Ms. Jane Roth
St. James’, Leesburg
Northern Piedmont Region

The Rev. Sarah Colvin
All Saints Sharon Chapel, Alexandria
Potomac Region

The Rev. John Shellito
St. Barnabas, Annandale
South Fairfax Region

The Rev. Laura Minnich Lockey
Canterbury Campus Ministry, Harrisonburg

The Rev. Theresa Brion
St. John’s, West Point
Upper Tidewater Region

Mr. Philip Tickle
All Saints, Richmond
West Richmond Region

Ms. Nadine Pluchinsky
Grace, Berryville
North Shenandoah Region

Mr. Michael Dugger
St. Barnabas, Annandale
Member at Large

Mr. Jim Carlock
Trinity, Fredericksburg
Member at Large