As we await the time when we can gather in person, Lent 2021 will be an opportunity to create new traditions and to be more intentional as we take on observances at home. How do we mark the beginning of the Lenten season in tangible ways that bring deeper meaning to it? From the imposition of ashes to creative activities to engage kids, here are 5 ways to bring Lent home.
Shrove Tuesday
Many of us will miss the tradition of a Shrove Tuesday Dinner at church, but you can begin a new tradition at home with a guided conversation over your own pancake supper or other meal. Invite everyone at the table to take turns answering questions: Are you planning to give up something for Lent? And: How does Lent help you focus on God? Then read a scripture or prayer and invite reflections from each person. This sheet from Milestone Moments can help you shape your dinner conversation.
Ash Wednesday Bonfire
What better way to engage little ones in the meaning of Ash Wednesday than by roasting s’mores over a bonfire? Leave it to Jerusalem Greer, Evangelism Officer for the Presiding Bishop, to create a beautiful metaphor with a burnt marshmallow. All kidding aside, Greer’s bonfire gathering offers children of all ages a unique way to encounter God’s forgiveness, as prayers are said, stories are shared and as each person cast their regrets into the fire.
Ashes at Home

Parishioners at St. Stephen’s, Richmond, were invited to pick up Ash Wednesday kits to take home. Then to tune into the live Ash Wednesday service held online.
Many folks plan to attend their church’s online Ash Wednesday service. This means that you or someone in your household will do the part of imposing the ashes. “Can I do that?!” you ask. The short answer is yes, any baptized member of the church can impose ashes on others. You can even ash yourself. While the imposition of ashes is sacred, it’s not a sacrament, and that’s why you don’t have to be ordained to do it.
Where do I get the ashes? Lots of churches in the Diocese will be providing kits of Ashes to go, but you can also make ashes at home. You can use ashes from your fire pit or burn some leaves. If you have palms from previous years, these are especially appropriate. After burning, place the ashes in a small bowl or dish and bring to your online or home service.
What’s my line again? When you get to the point in the service where you will impose the ashes, you simply dip your thumb in the bowl of ashes, then trace the sign of the cross on the person’s forehead, while saying the words, “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” After all members of the household have received ashes, including yourself, the service continues.
Conducting Your Own Intergenerational Service
If you won’t be attending a church service online, you can use this liturgy from the Rev. Shivaun Wilkinson. It’s especially appropriate for households with younger and older kids. It includes “burying the Alleluia,” (literally digging a whole in the yard and burying written notes), “blowing away the sins” (with bubbles, of course), and the imposition of ashes.
Pray Daily with a Coloring Calendar
Now that you’ve intentionally marked the beginning of the season, don’t lose the Lenten momentum. You can create a daily prayer calendar. In each space on the calendar, write a word or the name of a person to pray for. Then draw, doodle or color around it, all the while praying for that person or meditating on that word. Think of it as a visual prayer. Need a little inspiration? Praying in Color offers some eye-catching printable calendar templates that can help you get started.
The diocesan Office of Christian Formation offers a well-curated library of Lenten resources, including books, meditations, daily devotions and more. Looking for something specific? Contact diocesan Minister for Christian Formation Paris Ball.