Vitality: On the Road with Jesus

by | Sep 9, 2024 | News Releases

The Rev. Shirley Smith Graham, Minister for Congregational Vitality

And we’re off! Every church and mission, whether small or large, is important. The goal of the new Minister for Congregational Vitality is to grow churches in strength, vitality, and joy-filled ministry. The collaborative effort between the Rev. Shirley Smith Graham and diocesan churches to boost Congregational Vitality will extend across the diocese, from the mountains to the waterways, from DC to Richmond. This work will help congregations see themselves clearly and describe their vital signs and markers for thriving. It will aid the diocese in developing a shared language to support congregations in realizing their full potential and finding ways to collaborate with one another. It will also assist churches and their leaders in discerning their current call as a congregation, specifically within the context of their neighborhoods, and in developing meaningful relationships with the Church.

There is much to be done, so here’s what to expect. For the first year, Shirley’s ministry will focus on three main areas:

  • Listening and developing meaningful action plans
  • Coaching and supporting churches and missions, as well as clergy and lay leaders
  • Discovering and sharing resources

Step One involves working with the deans and presidents of the regions. This fall, Shirley will be traveling to find Jesus among the congregations. Each region will have a listening session to identify the vitality needs of congregations of various sizes and contexts. The insights gathered, along with existing data, will be used to provide an at-a-glance view of parishes and mission churches and to help diocesan leaders understand how to best focus support on their health, sense of mission, and joy. A realistic and meaningful plan of action will be developed to support congregational vitality.

Throughout the process, various tools will be available—tools designed to facilitate exciting ministry. These will include models for congregations to use, workshops, and short Bible studies. The first of these tools will be “Four Characteristics of Vibrant Churches, a Brief Bible Study Based on Mark Chapter One.” More information on this is coming soon.

See you on the road.