Virginia Diocesan Homes Becomes Virginia Episcopal Real Estate Partners

by | Sep 11, 2024 | News Releases

This summer, the organization previously known as Virginia Diocesan Homes changed its name to Virginia Episcopal Real Estate Partners (VEREP) to better reflect the mission and work the organization is doing today.

Virginia Diocesan Homes was established six decades ago to address a recognized need for senior housing, and was instrumental in establishing continuing care communities in our diocese. Virginia Episcopal Real Estate Partners’ expanded mission will help churches utilize their real estate and other assets for mission and community service including, but not limited to, housing opportunities for underserved populations.

An example of Virginia Episcopal Real Estate Partners’ recent work is showcased through an exploratory grant awarded to Christ Ascension in Richmond. VEREP received a grant of $32,687.60 from Virginia Housing to work with Christ Ascension to do a study of the suitability of their site for affordable housing, including options for home ownership or rental. The study will include appraisal, site survey, and economic analysis at no cost to Christ Ascension.

In October, Virginia Episcopal Real Estate Partners will join with Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy to sponsor three workshops across Virginia called Congregations and Affordable Housing This workshop series will bring together clergy, lay leaders, and experienced professionals to share insights and experiences on creating faith-based housing projects. More information is available here.