Bishop Susan Goff’s Statement of Support for Global Vaccinations

by | Jul 20, 2021 | News Releases

The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia stands in solidarity with people around the world as the global Coronavirus pandemic continues.  We do so specifically by supporting the worldwide sharing of vaccines and the technology needed to make them.  We acknowledge that as we in the United States are beginning to emerge from the worst of the pandemic, in great measure because of vaccines, much of the world still has no access to them. Our own experience of a recent and dramatic increase of new COVID-19 infections among the unvaccinated makes it clear that the pandemic will continue as long as most of world cannot get the vaccine.

Our faith teaches us that we are our siblings’ keeper.  Because we believe that all lives are interconnected, we promise in the vows we make a baptism to respect the dignity of every human being.  Based on this faith and promise, we are honored to be a part of an interfaith community that is calling for mass production of vaccines to meet global need.  God bless us all as we advocate for the life and health of God’s beloved children the world over.