227th Diocesan Annual Convention to be Held Online

by | Sep 21, 2021 | News Releases

UPDATE: September 21, 2021

Given the uncertainty surrounding the Delta variant of the COVID virus, and after careful consideration, Bishop Susan Goff has decided that the 227th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia will be held online, and not in-person at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel as was previously announced.

“Simply put, a gathering of more than 400 people in an indoor location with limited space in which to distance creates too great a risk,” stated Bishop Goff.

In announcing the move to the online format, she added, “We do this to protect the safety of all delegates, clergy, and their families, many of which include children under age 12 who are not yet eligible for vaccination.”

The Diocese successfully conducted the November 2020 Annual Convention and the April 2021 Special Convention online. As in the past, our staff will provide tutorials on how to participate in online Convention. Technical assistance will be available. The systems we developed for voting and debate allow for all to participate efficiently and equitably. Delegates will receive more details about these features in the coming weeks.

For those delegates/churches who have already paid the registration fee for Convention, the Secretary’s office will issue partial refunds in the coming weeks.

Please hold Friday, November 12th from 7-8:30 PM, and Saturday, November 13th from 9 AM to 5 PM for this year’s Annual Convention proceedings. More details will follow. To follow preparations for the November Convention, please visit this page. Cancellation of hotel room reservation can be made by calling the hotel directly at 1-703-920-3230.

Thank you for your service as a delegate to Annual Convention.