Immigration Update

A resource collection for information only – this is not legal advice.

On Tuesday, February 11th, clergy of the diocese were presented counsel regarding ministries to migrant and immigrants.

The Clergy Call allowed space for clergy to ask relevant question and receive the most up-to-date information to protect and serve the most vulnerable amongst us. The announcement of an Immigration Assistance Fund, seeded with $5,000, to assist congregations with members experiencing difficulties with their immigration status was made by Bishop Stevenson.  

Additionally, KNOW YOUR RIGHTS cards in English/Spanish will be mailed to the Deans for distribution to clergy in each region (Know Your Rights Cards | Red Card Orders | Immigrant Rights). Canon Hill is serving as the Bishop’s liaison for Immigration Ministries, please contact him at with any questions or concerns.

Resources for Churches

The following resources remain helpful sources of information:


Resources for Immigrant Families


Know Your Rights:

Family Preparedness:

Explainers and Fact Sheets:

Overview of Immigration Law

These are the slides on Immigration, Detention, and Your Rights.

Please note: For best user experience, simply press anywhere on the slide to advance.