Voices from the Land of the Holy One: A Conversation with Archbishop Hosam Naoum and Dean Richard Sewell


Join us for this "on the ground" conversation as we prepare to make the transition from Advent preparation to celebration of the incarnation. Archbishop Hosam Naoum, Diocese of Jerusalem, and Dean Richard Sewell, Dean of St. George's College Jerusalem, will speak of their first hand experiences of the current situation in Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank.

Hope In the Wilderness: A Day of Reflection

St. David's Episcopal, Aylett 11291 West River Road, Aylett, VA, United States

Drawing from her rich pastoral and personal experience, Bishop Goff will lead us through a time of prayer, worship and reflection, focusing on the intersection between Hope and Lamentation, Hope and Intercession, and Hope and Praise.

Diocesan Grant Cycle: Letters of Inquiry Due

Bishop’s Appeal and PJL Small Church Revitalization Grant guidelines are now available on the diocesan website. The letter of inquiry for these grants is due by February 7. Bishop’s Appeal grants may be awarded up to $2,000 and PJL Small Church grants up to $5,000. Questions? Contact Stephanie Gurnsey Higgins