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Float into Fall by Slowing Down with Yoga and Reiki

Shrine Mont Camp 217 Shrine Mont Circle, Orkney Springs

Unwind this fall and prepare yourself for a cozy winter by truly slowing down. With nature as a guide, you’re invited to let things go and reconnect within via yoga, […]

Faith-filled Families Spiritual Play Date

St. John's, Richmond 2401 E. Broad Street, Richmond

This festival is a unique opportunity designed specifically for families with preschool-aged children (but their older siblings are welcome to join us). The event will be an interactive playdate where parents can explore various tools and resources aimed at supporting the faith formation of their young children.

Tea to Benefit ECW Gifts and Scholarships

Church of the Epiphany 8000 Hermitage Rd., Henrico

The Episcopal Church Women are sponsoring a Tea to benefit their Gifts and Scholarships program. Each spring the ECW awards scholarships to deserving Episcopal youth who are college undergraduates or taking trade/technical courses.