Bishop Susan Haynes invites you to participate in the Diocese of Southern Virginia’s second Matoaka Covenant celebration, We Are All Related, on October 26th from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Chanco on the James.
One of the key tenants of our faith and of the Matoaka Covenant is to be in relationship with each other and to actively tend to those relationships. We Are All Related offers an opportunity for participants to connect with our Indigenous neighbors and tribal leaders, to understand more about land acknowledgment statements, the Doctrine of Discovery, and the tragic History of Indian Boarding Schools.
The Rev. Dr. Bradley Hauff, Indigenous Missioner for the Episcopal Church, will be leading several segments during the day. I look forward to our time of learning, connection, and exploration, and hope you will join me for this day that is brought to you by The Repairers of the Breach Committee.
Registration is now open for a day that promises to be one of interaction, education, and celebration!