Diocesan Donations

Supporting the mission and ministry of the Diocese of Virginia empowers our congregations to serve Christ in all people.

The Bishop’s Appeal makes grants to congregations each year to strengthen and uplift ministries in churches. This past year, recipients used their grants for food pantries and community gardens to feed hungry neighbors in their community, as well as to provide hybrid worship services to connect parishioners who remain distanced due to the pandemic.

Your support also reaches Shrine Mont Summer Camp – where campers of all ages and their families can experience the love of God and the joy of growing relationships with self, others, and God – and the Triangle of Hope, our relationship with the Dioceses of Liverpool and Kumasi (Ghana) dedicated to transforming the long history and continuing presence of slavery in our world through reconciliation and mission.

Your support of the Diocese and its congregations empowers our members to proclaim the Good News, serve Christ in all people, love our neighbors, and strive for justice and peace for all God’s children.


Church Donations

The Diocese is pleased to offer electronic giving options for our churches. Churches can now collect electronic pledge payments or gifts from individuals through the diocesan website. Each church has a unique link to access this donation system. Church links are listed by region below. 

Questions? Contact Stephanie Gurnsey Higgins, Minister for Diocesan Development and Congregational Stewardship.