Communications Team

Diocesan Youth Retreats Return in 2025

In collaboration with children’s, family, and youth ministers across the diocese, two diocesan youth retreats have been scheduled for 2025. Both retreats will take place at Shrine Mont.

World Mission Sunday and More Ways to Get Involved

Are you or someone from your congregation interested in being part of the conversations on world mission in the Diocese of Virginia? Please email Diane Wright, diocesan Global Mission Advocate, to be added to the email list. Are you or members of your parish...

Interim Announcement for Shrine Mont Camps

Our camps are too precious to rush this process or subject a new director to impossible expectations. By pausing the search for a couple of months, we have the opportunity to re-examine the position description and explore alternate staffing models.

Parishes Say ‘Yes in God’s Back Yard’

America’s churches have what it takes to put a dent in the nation’s housing crisis. They have land and underutilized space, often located in high-density areas where affordable homes are desperately needed. Now congregations are receiving a groundswell of support to help them assess opportunities and navigate conversion to housing.

A Letter from Bishop Stevenson

My friends, Jesus is Lord – no one else. The Holy Spirit is the source of wisdom and comfort – not any political affiliation. Our Father in heaven is love and life – not any earthly ruler. We are the beloved of this God. All of us. And while none of us is worthy of that love, my prayer is that we do our best to honor it by our very lives.

2024: Year in Review

As we start 2025, this is a roundup of our feature stories from 2024. Each one represents our shared mission to love Jesus, embody justice, and be disciples. Celebrate and share these stories!