Stories from the Diocese

Journey: A Truth and Reparations Reflection

By the Rev. Canon Dr. J. Lee Hill, Jr., Canon for Racial Justice and Healing  The Episcopal Church, like many institutions across America, shares a complex and painful history with slavery. This truth is woven into the very fabric of our story, and it is a truth...

Making the Church the Town Square

After a lot of discussion and prayer, Rev. Parnell and members of the church about an hour north of Williamsburg decided they first needed to let town residents know the church.

Process: A Truth and Reparations Reflection

By the Rev. Colleen Schiefelbein, Task Force Co-Chair A task force implies a group of people gathered to address an issue, and people who apply to be on task forces are often doers. Within the Church, however, a task force is also a ministry. Like watching a house...

Clergy Confront Challenges at Retreat

Diocese of Virginia clergy gathered last month at Shrine Mont, the diocesan conference center known for relaxing vistas, breathtaking rock formations and a hikers paradise called the Stairway to Heaven.

Clergy Retreat 2024

Northern Neck Region Hosts Safe Church Training

In mid-April, over 25 folks gathered at St. Stephen’s, Heathsville to participate in a Regional Safe Church Training Event using a hybrid approach of in-person and online training using the Praesidium platform.

Trail Links to Bible and Native American History

St. Peter's Episcopal Church recently opened a "Trees of the Bible" walking trail. St. Peter’s Rector, The Very Rev. Rodney E. Gordon said the trail allows walkers to explore the natural beauty of the area while learning about the significance of its trees in both the Bible and American history.